Saturday, June 14, 2014

Equinoctiial Honey Sonnet

Hold ceremony in the everyday
Suspend in equinoctial honey

Drink your potion with intention—
a poem can be descriptive medicine

you concoct for yourself
and others in ever-widening spirals

Seen and unseen, couplets
circle into DNA ladders

Eat Something Wild Every Day
and You Will become Wild

Wild on the horizon, circular, the plants
sing their songs of glee all round

So let us sing—equally in night and day to hold
mountains, time, balance deeper into the year 


Friday, June 13, 2014

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Application For A Driving License - Michael Ondaatje

Two birds loved
in a flurry of red feathers
like a burst cottonball,
continuing while I drove over them.
I am a good driver, nothing shocks me.